Saturday, November 1, 2014

Where everybody knows your game

#NickyAndElven #LegendaryLovers

Everyday we are keen to judge the actions of others, but what about ourselves when we go through the same motions. Do we hope to retain the best of our behaviors, keep them scaled at par with what holy high horses we judge others from? Money's on probability,  you too shall be found wanting, of more grace, more heart, more humanity . blah blah,.. blah blah,..

All well n great if u prove convention wrong, all the shame in the world shall not have descended upon you. Then again, fat chance of that ever crossing paths with the factually-defective citizenry of this flawed species.

You have not faced your demons and, you have not tasted true bile of Life, until you have tempered that cold steel of life, or brushed past the hot iron of daily grind and toil to save some impossible situation on a regular everyday.

And you cannot really say how low you can get under unexpected situations or how appreciably and most commendably you would portray yourself when under life's trials n tribulations.

When we lay our heads to rest at night, we do tussle with the conscientious mind, as to why take pains to pull and have at others, when we know, we may very well be in the same murky pit this day or another.

No surprises but we never seem to learn. And there's always that whole 'I'm only human' cushion to fall upon. But if you look back, and you will look back, how many times do you want to get away with murder? It's ridiculously-selfish or selfishly-ridiculous.

Every once in some time, in a very beautifully evil manner, we attempt to right our wrongs, through very farfetched justifications and most times, tsk tsk,.. we do succeed in doing so (but only in our minds).

Many are humbled when ambushed by life's miseries and surprisingly find themselves converted into a more understanding, more encompassing, kinder soul. Some lay low for a while on their otherwise ignoramus, impossible, obnoxiously-behaving self, but finding it unnatural tread the old territories yet again , few are those who transform by extreme measures, into a doubly-terrible and singularly-conceited personality that is, b.t.w only more despised and less desired among man and womankind.

Thursday, October 30, 2014


#NickyAndElven #LegendaryLovers

You relish, witnessing the hopelessness of people who don't have the slightest of chances wen it comes to achieving something or winning the good grace or even love of someone that is completely out of their league. Yet, u mold their inner workings in a manner that they aspire for the biggest dreams, pine for the wrong girl (in the sense tht she is almost-goddess and he's chopped liver), all without complete sense tht he will be crushed, completely and hopelessly at the end, when nuthin' comes through.

How cruel the ways, of 'the being above - all high and mighty.'

Perhaps the rules of engagement have changed for everyone, everyone high-up, down-below and us insects, in the middle. Seems like Guy... or Gal (cuz no one's ever got face-time with him/her u know) just decided overnight, to endorse the S&M cult and set it trending.

Arguments are pretty much legit right now, to peg you a sadist by all standards and under all diagnosis. U create objects of affection, compassion etc. but u also enjoy creating conditions of pain, hurt and misery all the time.

You have preached and led us to believe, not to create this emotion called 'hurt' in the being of someone else, at least not intentionally. We are to spread as much joy as humanly possible; if both can't be done, then at least, stay still in the middle and do nuthin'. 

A good lot of us, just likes to hurt another at the smallest chance they get, to-do it. What's worse is, there's no remorse, no afterthought, no guilt. To know the feeling, to be empathetic of things, you might think, it will actually require one, two or three hundred encounters under similar conditions 

Truth is, we are the very same pin and the pin cushion, the piñata and the bat, the punching bag and the punch, or the pigeon and the statue, all on different days.

The feeling of helplessness that one feels, having to willingly welcome that flood of emotions because, if you throw it away, disown it or throw it back to the source, you know that a bigger amount of pain awaits you. The pain and agony of living with the knowledge that you're on ransom, only that you don't get to feel that set-free attitude even after paying up-front every day – a crushed-to-death-from-the-inside feeling. It's not much of a feeling.

"the world is going to the toilet, soon. And that there really is such things as The Armageddon, that The Apocalypse is really on the cards and this wheel of existence is churning nearer to it every fleeting second."

Thats the generally popular thought running across the respective mind (s) when situations befall. This general reaction is in motion usually because, all of us, we believe that 'it cannot be happening to me.'

I suppose, Such a thought crosses our mind cuz we believe we are wronged without reason, on very invalid grounds. That it is supposed to happen to someone of characters more deserving of such mishaps and miseries. That we are good and have been ‘a good human being,’ one who always played the chips right in all the right manners in all the right places.

Thought be given a chance, (in this chain of thoughts), maybe it's a personal emotion, that negative turn of events are not to swim 'my way,' at all, and no undesirable actions should come to play in 'my life.'

Simple reason for believing that would be cuz, We think, we cause no harm, at least not in the carefully designed manner to another human being.

Well, guess that's a whole lot of 'get-out-of-jail-free-cards' to demand.

Putting my case forward, I should say:
After all, I am a sinner just like everyone else in this mud pit. I may not be behind the wheels of the truck carrying that truckload of guilt, driving downhill at the speed of a roller coaster, but I'm sure I'm riding shotgun in at least one of these trucks.

Be that as it may, in all cases, there are still some of those who have been handed the short end of the stick and a very raw deal, just so that the good scale of approximation is rounded off to the next whole figure.

Where's the justice in that? People are just being sacrificed in a cross-fire that has the seriousness and legitimacy of a pissing contest. Times like that, it really sucks to know that your go-to guy or girl,..... Is such a sadomasochistic douche.


Thursday, October 23, 2014

For, Nicky who wants to walk all over his heart, From Elven - who's gonna let her...

Lessons I won't remember to forget - everrrr...

Hello me, it's me again

Knowing that senses are failing as they grow older this was sent, to make the proverbial 'INTERVENTION'......

I Understand

that Love is about playing the risks not calculating them.
It means the stakes are highest and all odds are against you but be not the faithless heathen to throw up something so dear in which you invested every small and big emotion over seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years and even decades (for those fortunate ones who survive).

In the first place

it is not love if you have to think that hard.
It then becomes a game of strategically-placed dialog and well-synchronized events

Reality Check

Everything is on its way to some destination but the 'one that got away' is the one you let go (very often without even lifting a finger).

For the record

Love is not a category at the Guinness, so breathe and walk not huff, puff and jump to conclusions. On the flip, play memorable records to set the longest hour ever danced.

Love is the one-single-most powerful emotion in any universe

... and you wield this power in your hearts of hearts every living, breathing, waking hours. You feel it toward the one you love, you give it to those you care most about. It has the power to change life-ending decisions and make life-giving decisions too if you get what the whole thing is about. Really.. get it.

 It is believed... and maybe you can too

Love lives on even after you leave... Die, that is (this one's a little deep but I've personally endorsed it).

And the right way is this way,  but that way is this way

Love does not have a version like soft-wares although a tremendous display of will, endurance and patience are the simple virtues listed in the criteria to gloriously gain acceptance...

What was - 'is' and 'will be'

If you think it is then it definitely is. Don't fool yourself by trying to form a sense-empowered line-up in the head to make that first important decision - Talk!

#NickyDeNhoelElvenAmspor. #LegendaryLovers

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Nicky & Elven, #LegendaryLovers

You are not smiling at me, but you're smiling, and I'm glad you are smiling.
You are laughing 'at me,' - not 'with' me
But you're laughing, and i'm happy there is laughter in your world,

You are beautiful,... I am conventionally ugly,
But I feel far from ugly, cuz you're beautifully dear to me

Nicky, who wants to walk all over his heart
Elven, who's gonna let her
